Your house cannot be in order when your children are in disorder. Yes, children are blessings, joy, future, hope and arrows in the hands of their parents but that is only when they are well-brought up, disciplined, godly and focused. But when undisciplined, untrained or godless they can become the pain, regret, nightmares, shame and the doom of their families and the society. We are expected to put in every effort possible to see that our kids become responsible members of the home and the society and these including proper and foundational training at home, good education, monitoring their activities, their relationships and development, giving them solid godly background and most importantly living exemplary life. Yes, they watch us. They hear more from our actions than our sermons. They believe more on how you live than what you say. So, we must always teach them by example; walk our talk, otherwise, they will also become hardened and hypocrites like us or even worse. If we fail in all or any of these, then we must prepare to reap all the negative results and heartbreak that will follow. Wayward or undisciplined child can bring so much pain, stain, shame, tears, heartbreak and even curses to their families. How are you training your children? Are you paying attention to all their details? Invest quality time, resources, word and prayer on them now. Put your house in order before it becomes too late for you.
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