FMDQ Holdings Plc Acquires 1,080,641,902 Units Of CSCS Shares  

FMDQ Holdings on Friday acquired a substantial shares of the Central Securities Clearing System Plc on the NASD OTC Plc.

Two major shareholders of CSCS, Artemis Limited and ZPC Leadway Insurance Prem. Coll & Invest, who previously held 16.61% (830,641,902 units) and 5% (250,000,000 units) shareholding respectively, sold their shares to FMDQ OTC Plc (‘FMDQ’).

To this end, FMDQ is now a shareholder with a 21.6% equity, translating to a 1,080,641,902 Units stake in CSCS.


In a statement on Sunday, the CSCS expressed it’s gratitude to shareholders and stakeholders for their sustained interest in the company. “We affirm our dedication to working towards achieving our strategic objectives of being the globally respected and leading central securities depository in Africa.

“CSCS serves as the central securities depository and clearing infrastructure for the Nigerian capital markets. Our company plays an intrinsic role in ensuring the integrity and safety of transactions conducted in the Nigerian capital market.

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